Alas, I didn't meet any of the goals I laid out below. Work and prep-time for an incoming baby simply trumped sitting down with Eve. What spare gameplay time I've had I've spent returning to a galaxy far, far away with Good Ol' Games' release of X-Wing and TIE Fighter -- especially the latter. Long live the Empire!
I did last night, though, jump into RvB's frigatus weekend event with Dengar. Frigatus is a frigates-only free-for-all, with a cap on how many folks can band together to join fleets. The highlight for me was the Eve client crashing: when the game crashes, it automatically warps your ship a long distance into deep space; when you log back in, it jumps you back. The problem is, with the client crash I was also booted from the fleet I was in. Logging back in, my former fleet-mates were still around ... and, from their point-of-view, another frigate not in their fleet had just jumped in, or perhaps just de-cloaked They blew me up pretty quickly.
Alas, it was my own fault: RvB uses Mumble for in-game voice communication, but Mumble isn't playing nice with my computer's mic; if I'd taken time to configure it all properly, I couldn't hollered for them to back off.
Ultimately, we all got a good laugh of it: as soon as I jumped in, I heard my attackers planning my demise. I suppose I could've tapped a hurried message into the Mumble text chat window ... but, nah. I could afford to lose the ship. I explained things in text afterward and we all had a good chuckle.
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